WEC's Mission Partners
As a church we are committed to loving God, loving God’s people and leading people to Jesus. We also want the gospel to be heard and people cared for beyond our own neighbourhood so we partner with like-minded gospel organisations locally, nationally and globally.
- We are pleased to support the following mission partners:
Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students
Universities in Australia are full of students who are poised to make life-changing decisions about what they believe and where they are heading. AFES works in this God-given window of opportunity to reach students for Christ. AFES employs staff to help and encourage students in their Christian growth and witness at the CSU Wagga campus.
Church Planting: Singleton Evangelical Church
Scott and Wendy Mackenzie moved to Singleton in 2009 to lead a church plant. They have been sharing Jesus with the locals as well as with the transient mining population, seeking to grow people in Christ. Wagga Evangelical partners in this ministry, by praying for and providing money to their Church.
Local Leaders International
The vision of Local Leaders International (formally Overseas Council of Australia (OCA)) is to provide churches in the developing world with the leadership they need. Strategically, LLI focuses on supporting theological colleges in the developing world, to train a steady supply of competent leaders to ensure the church matures in line with the word of God in a way that is sensitive to the local context.
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Jake & Liz Newth (previously members of WEC), moved to Mareeba to serve with the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). MAF has been serving isolated people by using aircraft to bring in the essentials of life as well as medical care, emergency food, and Christian hope. Their purpose is to deliver practical and spiritual care to people in places of deepest human need.Pioneers - Blair family
Cameron and Lara Blair work to share the gospel amongst unreached people groups in South Western Sydney focussing on refugees and new migrants through the Christian organisation Pioneers. Their hope is that the people they meet will also find ‘true life’ in Jesus as they reach out to share God’s love to the nations coming to Australia’s shores.Special Religious Education - Scripture in schools Wagga Wagga
WEC helps resource our local Special Religious Education (SRE) Primary Schools Coordinator, managed by Scripture Union (SU) Australia. SRE gives students in NSW a safe place to explore and discover the Bible’s answers to the big questions of life. As a partner church we provide volunteers to teach in local schools and contribute financially to the ministry as a whole.
WEC's Involvement in SRE in WaggaVoice of the Martyrs
Voice of the Martyrs exists to help, love and encourage persecuted Christians by providing Bibles, ministry resources, medical aid, practical assistance and advocacy. They actively support Christians in many countries where Christians are being persecuted for their belief in Jesus and for sharing this faith with others.