Wagga Evangelical
Teaching the Bible
carefully clearly
and in depth
carefully clearly
and in depth
We are convinced that the Bible is God’s word to us and that God desires for everyone to hear clearly and understand His word to them. That is why we value teaching the Bible clearly, helpfully, in depth and in a way that is easily accessible for anyone to come and join in and learn from the Bible.
WWEC meets every Sunday
9AM & 11AM
Kids & Youth Church are held in both services
Wagga Wagga Christian College
401 Kooringal Road, Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650
The heartbeat of our church family is Jesus Christ. Jesus is at the centre of who we are and what we do. Our desire is to see people grounded and growing in the life-changing message of Jesus from the Bible.
We are people from all sorts of backgrounds and ages and stages of life, who have found solid hope by connecting with God through Jesus.
We’d love to meet you
It’s easy to find out more about Jesus and we’d love to help. Click the button for details.
We want to see people’s lives being transformed in Christ

Kids Ministry
As a church we are big on family! Children are very important to Jesus and so very important to us. We take very seriously caring for children in a secure and properly supervised environment with godly leaders.

Ministry Team
At Wagga Wagga Evangelical Church, the Ministry Team is never just the paid staff and pastors. We believe that Jesus has given every Christian the gifts and opportunities to serve (minister) to their fellow Christians and to the community around them.

Bible Study Groups
To help people grow in Christ everyone is encouraged to be involved in 2 key aspects of our church life together:
(i) by being part of church service each week &
(ii) being a member of a weekly Bible Study group.