Our weekly Bible Study Groups are the heart of our church family.
Bible study groups enable WEC members to encourage each other and grow in maturity, by studying God’s Word, praying and caring for each other.
WEC Bible Study Groups are the first context for pastoral care across church. This means that being a committed member of a group is the best way to form close relationships, care and serve each other.
We encourage everyone to join a Bible study group. Mid week groups meet at night and in the day. There are mixed groups, women’s and men’s groups. The women’s daytime groups offer a creche.
Whether you’re new to the Bible or have been studying it for years, there’s a group for you. These gatherings are a great way to deepen your understanding of the Bible and build strong, supportive relationships.
Want to know more?
Speak with Dave Shannon, WEC Director of Maturity.
Contact Dave