Phil McGilvray (father of WEC member Holly McGilvray) is a Financial Coach and Financial wellbeing consultant. Phil attends Crossroads church in Canberra. Phil has kindly offered to host two workshops for WEC members on Saturday 5th April:

Workshop 1: 1-3pm

A 90 minute session (plus 30 minutes question time) on Practical Christian Stewardship in a Financially Uncertain World. This is how to practically apply Biblical principles into a day to day finances. This is like money skills 101 but from a Christian perspective. The session will take people through the exact strategies used with financial coaching clients on a day to day basis from budgeting, saving money, giving and eliminating debt through to getting started investing and everything in between. 

Workshop 2: 3.30pm-5.30pm

A 90 minutes session (+ 30 minutes question time) on 20 Things Every Parent Needs To Know About Pocket Money. This seminar covers all ages and focuses on the way we use pocket money to teach our kids essential money skills.

These workshops will be held at the Wagga Christian College hall.